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Self-Assessment Essay

Self Assessment Essay
In this English class, I have had what I would personally describe as a transforming
journey as a writer throughout the course of the semester. My notions of what writing was and
what it could accomplish in the past were continually being tested as I took this English class.
Using the works in my portfolio to illustrate the development of my knowledge and writing
skills, I will reflect on how I have changed throughout this English semester in this
self-assessment essay.
My understanding of writing was quite limited at the start of the semester. I frequently
ignored the ability of writing to engage, convince, and connect with readers, viewing it instead as
a way to communicate facts and ideas. Writing wasn’t something I did to express myself or learn
new things; it was just something I had to do to meet scholastic requirements. My understanding
of writing was quite limited at the start of the semester. I frequently ignored the ability of writing
to engage, convince, and connect with readers, viewing it instead as a way to communicate facts
and ideas. Writing wasn’t something I did to express myself or learn new things; it was just
something I had to do to meet scholastic requirements.
This semester, I also experienced a huge change in how I thought about writing when I
realized how much the writing process can benefit from collaboration. I’ve benefited from
hearing other viewpoints and receiving helpful critiques through group work and peer reviews.
Collaborative writing has improved my capacity to function well in a team while also enhancing
my knowledge of various writing approaches, styles, and concepts. Accepting collaboration has
changed how I view writing—from a solitary activity to a dynamic, interactive process that
benefits from shared expertise and input. I learned a lot from the peer reviews because they
provided me with a fresh perspective on how to improve my work. If I were to only look at it
from my point of view then my opinions would be biased or skewed because I wrote it myself.
However, because of the incorporation of my classmate’s feedback, I am able to see past my own
bias and be able to work on the weak sides of my essay.
I have significantly improved in my ability to recognize my own and others’ wide variety
of language variances as resources and apply them to cultivate rhetorical sensibility throughout
the semester. I’ve been able to deepen my understanding of linguistic diversity and appreciate the
depth it adds to good communication thanks to this learning outcome. First of all, I’ve become
more conscious of how my own language heritage influences my work. I’ve come to understand
that my educational and cultural background have an impact on my language abilities, including
my vocabulary, syntax, and sentence construction. Because of this insight, I can now see my
distinctive language perspective as a strength rather than a drawback.In conclusion, I have
succeeded in achieving the learning objective of the course, which was to recognize the variety
of language variations I and others have as resources and use them to sharpen my rhetorical
sensitivity. I have accepted language diversity as a positive advantage thanks to enhanced
self-awareness, engagement with many viewpoints, and active learning. I have developed a more
inclusive and effective writing style by using these materials, which enables me to speak with
more impact and clarity.
My perspective of writing has been significantly changed by collaborative writing.
Through group assignments and peer evaluations, I have come to understand the importance of
working together to develop original ideas, strengthen arguments, and improve the overall
caliber of written work. I’ve learned to welcome criticism from my peers and actively look for
opportunities for teamwork, realizing that writing is a shared activity that benefits from a variety
of viewpoints rather than a solitary endeavor. When I had a minor technical problem and was
unable to join the group until the penultimate week of the presentation project, I recognized this.
I made an effort to speak with my classmates so we could complete the project together and be